Thursday, August 8, 2013

Review: Despicable Me 2

Review: Despicable Me 2
*Spoilers Alert.
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Official "Despicable Me 2" Poster.
      "Despicable Me 2" was one of the most anticipated animated and sequel movies of 2013. And if you ask anyone you would know the reason. And this sequel offered what was expected of it: laughter, enjoyment, and more laughter.

"Steve Carell" and 'The Minions'.
"Kristin Wiig".
      After a secret laboratory near the Arctic Circle was stolen, the 'Anti-League Villain'(AVL) recruits former super villain 'Guru'(Steve Carell) to try and help them find the evil man who stole a mutagen that can help produce indestructible monsters. After much convincing, 'Guru' who is now a devoted father for 'Margo'(Miranda Cosgrove), 'Edith'(Dana Gaier), and 'Agnes'(Elsie Fisher), decides to partner with AVL agent 'Lucy Wild'(Kristen Wiig). Throughout the movie, 'Guru' will face new challenges whether it is getting back his A-game and trying to work on the good side, or facing the challenges of raising three young girls and having to deal with his minions. Other characters include 'Eduardo Perez'(Benjamin Bratt) owner of Mexican restaurant Salsa & Salsa, 'Dr. Nefario'(Russell Brand) 'Guru''s elderly gadget man, 'Floyd Eagle-san'(Ken Jeong) owner of a wig store, 'Silas Ramsbottom'(Steve Coogan) head of AVL, 'Antonio Perez'(Moises Arias) 'Margo''s love interest and 'Eduardo Perez''s son, 'Shannon'(Kristen Schaal), and "Pierre Coffin" and "Chris Renaud" who both voiced the minions.
"Benjamin Bratt" and "Steve Carell". 
"Steve Carell" and
"Miranda Cosgrove".
      When 'Despicable Me' was released back in 2010, many were surprised of how much it was fun to watch, thus becoming a huge hit. Many enjoyed the new and creative ideas that were included such as the minions, loving an evil character, and actually being a funny movie. So when 'Despicable Me 2' was announced, many were anticipating this movie and high standards were set. In general, the movie was a success and checked all the areas that fans were expecting from it. However, one thing that many realized that even though it was an enjoyable and great movie, it lacked a certain edge that the first movie had. Moreover, it didn't really bring something new to the table. It stuck to the formula that mad the first movie a huge hit and moved on applying this formula but changing certain ascpects.
"Kristin Wiig" and 'The Minions'.
'The Minions'.
      The directors "Pierre Coffin" and "Chris Renaud"('Ice Age: Meltdown' and 'Dr. Seuss' The Lorax'), who also voice the minions in the 'Despicable Me' movies, returned to helm the sequel and did a good job. Like the first movie they were able to bring a well sculpted movie that clicked with the fans. "Illumination Entertainment"'s animation team again did a great job in that department. "Cinco Paul" and "Ken Daurio" , whose previous works include 'Hop' and 'Dr. Seuss' The Lorax', did a good job with the screenplay. However the overall story of the first movie was far more interesting and character engaging than this one. As for the music both "Heitor Pereira"('Despicable' and 'The Smurfs') and "Pharrell Williams"('Despicable Me') did a good job enhancing the movie's quality with the soundtrack.
"Steve Carell" and "Elsie Fisher".
'The Minions'.
      The first scene was necessary to the overall backbone of the movie's story. Even if this particular story wasn't the most interesting and the most important, since the main focal point of the overall story was the minions. I liked the overall development that we saw in the story of the minions, and we all knew that the focus on them would be big.Since first, they are basically the main brand of this movie and second due to the fact that next year a movie related only to the minions and their story before 'Guru' will be made, which will make many people excited. 'Guru' and 'Lucy''s stories were good and their scenes were really great. I was disappointed to the minimization of the characters of the three girls and Dr. 'Nefario', and was hoping for a bigger involvement in the overall story. My favorite scenes were that of 'Lucy' kidnapping 'Guru' and the two minions, the party at 'Eduardo Perez''s house, and the climax battle.
"Steve Carell", "Miranda Cosgrove",
"Elsie Fisher", and"Dana Gaier". 
"Steve Carell" and "Kristen Wiif".
      "Steve Carell", like the first one, did a really awesome job voicing 'Guru', which is a character that "Carell" will always be known for. And "Carell" is a proven actor who can lead a movie such as this. "Kristen Wiig" was for me the star of the movie. The way her lines and comedic lines fall in is just incredible. And the chemistry between the two is noticeable and believable. Its worth mentioning that "Wiig" voiced in 'Despicable Me' 'Miss Hattie'. The three actresses,"Miranda Cosgrove", "Dana Gaier" and "Elsie Fisher", who voiced the three girls, had minimal roles compared to the first one. However, "Cosgrove"'s character 'Margo' had a good character development. As for the other characters they did a nice job supporting the main characters. As for the minions, nothing can be said other than they were extremely funny and that everyone will always be expecting to see them since they are hilarious. And the new material that the producers and writers give them is just incredibly good. 
       Overall, 'Despicable Me 2' is one of the good movies of 2013. Still you feel that it could’ve turned out way better. Hopefully the third one will be. Until then you can expect the 'Minions', which will be released in December 2014, to be one of the funniest movies ever.

"Despicable Me 2".
-'Despicable Me 2' Info:
-Starring: Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Benjamin Bratt, Miranda Cosgrove, Elsie Fisher, Dana Gaier, Russel Brand, Steve Coogan, Ken Jeong, Moises Arian and Kristen Schaal.
-Studio(s): Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures.
-Directed by: Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud.
-Screenplay by: Cinco Paul and Ken Daurio.
-Music by: Heitor Periera and Pharrell Williams.
-Running Time: 98 minutes.
-Budget: $ 76,000,000.
-Box Office: -Domestic(US): $ 367,607,660.
                      -Foreign: $ 551,000,000.
-Ratings: -IMdb: 7.5/10.
                -Rotten Tomatoes: 75%.
                -Metacritic: 62%.

                -PERSONAL RATING: 7.9/10.

-'Despicable Me 2' Trailer:

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